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Presidential Debate Timeline

Presidential Debate: Biden and Trump to Face Off

When and Where to Watch

The first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump will be held on September 16th at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. The debate will air live on CNN at 8 pm Central time.

The Issues on the Table

The debates will cover a wide range of topics, including the economy, healthcare, climate change, and immigration. Biden and Trump have already clashed on several of these issues, with Biden arguing that tariffs serve as a tax on the middle class and criticizing Trump's proposed 10% tariff on Chinese goods.

The Importance of the Debates

The presidential debates are a crucial opportunity for voters to hear from the candidates and make an informed decision about who to support. This year's debates are especially important, as the candidates represent very different visions for the country. Biden and Trump differ on nearly every major issue, and the debates will provide voters with a chance to see how they would handle the presidency.
